
About Us

About Us
About Us
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We’re a team of scientists and industry heads dedicated to the advancement of genomics technologies and assays

Sequins is a privately held genomics technology company located in San Francisco, USA and Sydney, Australia. Born from a successful and widely published research program in Co-Founder Professor Tim Mercer’s lab at the Garvan Institute in Sydney, Sequins has developed an innovative DNA and RNA sequencing control standards platform. Based on mirroring technology, Sequins controls can be spiked into individual samples without compromising sample integrity and results.

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The Sequins Journey

Company milestone
Synthetic spike-in technology invented in co-founder Prof. Tim Mercer at the Garvan Institute of Medical Research in Sydney, Australia.
200+ leading genomics laboratories around the world collaborate, receiving academic use-only Sequins.  
Nature reviews genetics
2017 Comparing reference different types of reference standards with Spike-in controls across different applications of NGS.
Life sciences entrepreneur and investor Alex Gough co-founds the company Sequins with Tim Mercer and venture capital partners, exclusively licensing all Sequins technology.  
genome biology
2022 Using Sequins as WGS controls in an analytical validation of diagnosis using NGS in difficult regions of the genome.
Completing a seed round of venture funding, Sequins assembles a team across Sydney, Brisbane and California, establishing a commercial R&D lab in Sydney. 
Development of commercially ready production and quality control platforms for all DNA, ctDNA and molecular ladder constructs. 
Working with selected Early Access partners to develop platform towards commercial readiness.  
Sequins hires Commercial and Market team, headed by long-term genomics industry executive Jeremy Preston.
Global launch of the first Sequins commercially available synthetic spike-in controls products.
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Meet the Team

David Barda
David Barda Founding Executive Director
Agnes Caruso
Agnes Caruso Product Manager
Jonathan Ellis
Jonathan Ellis Bioinformatics Scientist
Alex Gough
Alex Gough CEO & Co-Founder
Jaysen Knezovich
Jaysen Knezovich Commercial Strategy Manager
Marnie Kucinskas
Marnie Kucinskas Senior Laboratory Technician
Stuart Langley
Stuart Langley Director of Software Engineering
Warwick Locke
Warwick Locke R&D Manager
Tim Mercer
Tim Mercer Scientific Advisor & Co-Founder
Sophie Octavia
Sophie Octavia Genomics Scientist
Jeremy Preston
Jeremy Preston Senior Vice President
Gregor Tevz
Gregor Tevz Genomics Scientist
Sebastian van den Akker
Sebastian van den Akker Senior Production Technician
Kelly Varianne
Kelly Varianne Laboratory Technician
Ebony Watson
Ebony Watson Bioinformatics Scientist
Leo Zhang
Leo Zhang Senior Software Engineer

Get in Touch

Got a question or need guidance? Our team is ready to assist. Reach out and let us guide you toward the right solution.
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