Products & Applications

Sequins ctDNA
Evaluation Set

Maximize insights from every sample with Sequins™ internal standards

Sequins ctDNA
Evaluation Set
Sequins ctDNA
Evaluation Set
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Powerful ctDNA Controls

Sequins internal control standards provide a powerful quality tool for ctDNA testing. By spiking known quantities of synthetic controls representing target variants into individual samples, sequencing assays can be normalized and variant calls calibrated against internal benchmarks.

Quantification and limit of detection calibration

Sequins representing synthetic cancer variants at varying allele frequencies provide a source of truth against which samples can be compared enabling identification of low-frequency variants from sequencing noise or artifacts. 

Quality Control and Assay Validation

Sequins serve as an internal quality control and are subjected to the same technical influences and errors as the samples they are combined with, enabling evaluation of key parameters related to sequencing workflows and sample quality. 

Standardization Across Labs and Studies

Spike-in controls enable normalization and standardization both within and between samples, users, equipment and locations to enable unprecedented standardization and interoperability.
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Customizable Control Backbone with Molecular Ladder

The Sequins ctDNA Evaluation Set targets nine clinically important cancer gene variants at precise variant allele frequencies and is applicable to a range of cancers. Sequins are pre-mixed in a single tube and can be spiked-in to each sample prior to library preparation and sequencing.

Gene Cosmic UID Variant VAF %
BRAF COSV56056643 c.1799T>A (Substitution) | p.V600E Missense 5%
ESR1 COSV52781024 c.1613A>G (Substitution) | p.D538G Missense 5%
PTEN COSV64288845 c.968dup (Insertion) | p.N323Kfs*2 Insertion/frameshift 5%
NRAS COSV54736340 c.182A>G (Substitution) | p.Q61R Missense 1%
EGFR COSM26352 c.? | p.V769_D770insASV (Insertion – In frame) 1%
KRAS COSV55497369 c.35G>A (Substitution) | p.G12D Missense 1%
TP53 COSV52661282 c.659A>G (Substitution – Missense) 0,1%
BRCA1 COSV58786277 c.68_69del (Deletion) | pE23Vfs*17 (Frameshift) 0,1%
BRCA2 COSV66447676 c.5946del | p.S1982Rfs*22 (deletion – frameshift) 0,1%

The Sequins ctDNA Evaluation Set can be used as a backbone for further customization with additional gene targets through our Sequins On-Demand program.

Plug & Play Simplicity

Sequins are simply ‘spiked-in’ to a sample prior to library preparation and together, progressed through a workflow. Sequins controls can then be distinguished from the native sample in the output library by their synthetic sequence enabling normalization and comparison between samples, runs, laboratories, chemistries, and sequencers.

Benefits slider Background
Target sequences

Target sequences

Produce mirrored Sequins

Produce mirrored Sequins

Spike Sequins into samples

Spike Sequins into samples

Prepare libraries and sequence

Prepare libraries and sequence

Analyze combined FASTQ files

Analyze combined FASTQ files

Sequins act as internal controls

Sequins act as internal controls

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Sequins internal reference controls perform equivalently to native DNA targets

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