Products & Applications

Sequins Metagenomics
Core Control Set

Industry leading quantification standards for microbial populations

Sequins Metagenomics
Core Control Set
Sequins Metagenomics
Core Control Set
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Metagenomic Analysis

Qualitative and quantitative Metagenomics allows accurate analysis of microbial populations for pathogen detection, monitoring and screening for antimicrobial resistance genes. Given the varied source of samples and mixtures the need to normalize and quantify microbial populations is paramount.

Normalization within and between samples, users, equipment and locations

The use of Sequins controls for normalization mitigates the heterogeneity of samples to enable unprecedented standardization and interoperability.

Workflow Monitoring and Optimization

Sequins are subjected to the same technical influences and errors as the samples they are combined with, enabling the evaluation of workflow performance.


Sequins standards are combined at varying concentrations and the resultant ladder enables quantitative analysis in addition to measuring sensitivity, specificity and limit of detection.
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Most Comprehensive  Metagenomics Control Set

The Sequins™ Metagenomics Core Control Set is a comprehensive, easy-to-use, pre-configured control set with built-in redundancy that ensures integrity of results. It contains synthetic sequences that collectively represent 52 microbial species at varying abundances to emulate the complexity found in a natural microbial community. Features include: quantitative ladders; wide representation of domains including bacteria, archaea and eukaryotes; GC% content range (27% to 71%); single tube blend; demonstrated on various samples using Illumina and Oxford Nanopore technologies.

Genus No. Species Genus No. Species Genus No. Species
Aciduliprofundum 1 Fusobacterium 1 Porphyromonas 1
Acinetobacter 2 Helicobacter 1 Roseobacter 1
Anabaena 1 Klebsiella 1 Salmonella 1
Bacillus 2 Lactobacillus 1 Shigella 1
Buchnera 1 Legionella 1 Staphylococcus 1
Caldicellulosiruptor 1 Leuconostoc 1 Streptococcus 1
Candida 1 Listeria 2 Synechocystis 1
1 Magnetococcus 1 Thermotogan 1
1 Metallosphaera 1 Thermus 1
1 Methanopyrus 1 Toxoplasma 1
Chlamydia 1 Mycobacterium 1 Treponema 1
Chlorobium 1 Neisseria 1 Vibrio 1
Corynebacterium 1 Nitrosopumilus 1 Vulcanisaeta 1
Desulfitobacterium 1 Nostoc 1 Wolinella 1
Desulfovibrio 1 Oenococcus 1 Yersinia 1
Ehrlichia 1 Persephonella 1

Plug & Play Simplicity

Sequins are simply ‘spiked-in’ to a sample prior to library preparation and together, progressed through a workflow. Sequins controls can then be distinguished from the native sample in the output library by their synthetic sequence enabling normalization and comparison between samples, runs, laboratories, chemistries, and sequencers.

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Spike Sequins into samples

Spike Sequins into samples

Prepare library

Prepare library



Prepare custom reference/database to include Sequins sequences

Prepare custom reference/database to include Sequins sequences

Analyze samples using standard tools

Analyze samples using standard tools

Use Sequins to normalize and quantify samples

Use Sequins to normalize and quantify samples

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Best In-Class Normalization & Quantification

Sequins provide superior normalization and quantification performance. In the experiments highlighted below, the relative log expression plot for metagenomics samples from Soil, Rhizosphere and Root in Natural and Regenerated conditions, showed marked improvement when normalized with Sequins (A and B). Following normalization using Sequins, there was a significantly higher corelation of Log-Fold Changes for microbial species with expected change, versus using standard normalization (C).

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